Friday, November 12, 2010

Waldo's Lady

I think that out of 25 years of dressing up for Halloween this year's costume was my favorite. Of course I wore princess costumes for probably the first 12 years of my life, so there isn't too much competition for favorite costumes.  This year after going back and forth on some creative ideas I came across one I could not pass up.  That is right, I was a Where's Waldo character.  Apparently Where's Waldo had a girlfriend named Wenda that I never even knew about!! I decided I must be Wenda.  I found some bold red and white striped tights, a jean skirt, a striped polo t-shirt, hiking boots, borrowed some glasses, and took a quick YouTube class on how to knit a hat....and then knitted a red and white hat. I was loving the costume more than my previous princess dresses that I wore growing up.

A friend was throwing a birthday/halloween/costume party at which I decided to reveal this amazing outfit.  I dressed up in by beautifully striped outfit and headed down to the party, a half hour drive away. Half way there I receive a text from my friend asking if I could pick up some paper plates from the grocery store. Uh Oh. I pull into a spot in the Albertson's parking lot and look in my mirror with my glasses and hat, look down at my amazingly bright red striped outfit, and suddenly realize I was about to go into a public place looking like a nerdy elf.  Why did Waldo and Wenda have to have red stripes????

After regaining some nerve I get out of my car and dash into the store to find the paper plates.  I received looks from people as if they thought I normally dressed that way and almost yelled that it was halloween just to clarify my attire.  Finally on my way out of the store this young teenager asked me "Do you have a Waldo, and if not do you want one?".  He knew who I was!  After years of dressing up and trying to be a beautiful  princess for Halloween, or trying to make myself attractive to the male specious I have finally learned how to attract a boy in a grocery store.  Dress like a nerdy candy cane elf.

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