Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Candle + Andrea = Fire

After three years of having a dining room table I finally bought chairs to go with it!  It was quite the accomplishment.  I have a table that is an odd height; I believe it is called counter height?  It is not as tall as a pub table, and not as low as your normal every day table. A day long shopping quest in search of chairs led to finally finding the perfect chairs at JCPenny.  They are now all set up in my dining room, even if one is missing a screw currently and has a “DO NOT SIT ON” sign taped to it, the point is, I can now sit at my table instead of on the couch while eating.

I was enjoying the luxury of having dining room chairs today while browsing the new grocery store ad. In the middle of thinking what an amazing deal avocados were on this week the ad suddenly burst into flame at the top middle of the newspaper.  This resulted in a surprised screech followed by quick blows trying to get the fire to go out.  Unfortunately newspaper burns extremely fast and in my surprise of the paper catching on fire I was unable to blow fast enough to extinguish the fire quickly.  Luckily I have a room mate who was in the same room and came running over to swat the paper with some other newspapers to put the fire out.  I have come to find out that it is not a good idea for me to read a newspaper at a table with a lit candle in the middle of it or I may burn down the place!   

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Art of Flirting

Well….it’s been awhile and I wasn’t sure if I should jump back in and start writing, or go back and go over everything that happened over the holidays!  I think I’ll just jump back in and save being stuck in an elevator, my family holiday adventures, and the reason for Christmas Adam for another time.

Now that January is here, my closest friends are moving to Canada.  I would not advise having your two best friends be married to each other, when they move away you have to let two close friends move on instead of one.  I am excited for the opportunities they will have in Canada though.  Having tried to spend time with them before they move away, my good friend decided to teach me one last lesson before she moved.  Flirting….

Apparently, the way I flirt is actually a male repellent.  I was always shy growing up and some of that still lingers when it comes to talking to unknown men.  In middle school I would cross to the other side of the mall walkway if a good looking guy was walking towards me; in high school if eye contact was made I would quickly look away like a dear caught in headlights.  The poor boys probably thought I avoided them.  And in my adult life….well….last time a guy talked to me in the grocery store about the weather I looked at him to make some cute wittily laugh and return the conversation; a Canadian goose sound laugh came out instead….I ended it then and there and walked away because lets face it…a girl with a Canadian goose laugh is not generally the top asset on a guys list for a girlfriend.

The point in all this is that I was informed I need practice.  I was told to start slightly smiling and at least maintaining eye contact to let them know I am interested.  We had to stick with the slight smile and maintain eye contact smile because my “sexy, come hither” stare looked more like a “demonic, I’m going to cannibalize you” stare.  And since she claimed my duck and cover tactic would not get me anywhere, hopefully the small smile will work!    

So… I go, out into the public to practice smiling.  All my married guy friends know I am witty and intelligent..…but that doesn’t help in MY dating life, and I do more of my natural smiles around them.  So if there are reports of men running for their lives on the news this afternoon, don’t worry…I’ll just be downtown practicing my sexy smile.