Saturday, February 12, 2011

Spaghetti Sauce Overload

I just took a trip to Albertsons this morning because it was advertised that Hunts products were 10 for $10 and if you buy $25 worth of items of select product (ironically, some Hunts ones) then you get a $10 off your next purchase!  With lightning speed I drove down to the store first thing this morning, filled my cart with Spaghetti Sauce, Ketchup, Stewed Tomatoes, and Salsa.  Going through the check out stand I ended up with 25 cans of food, spent $25, AND received a coupon for $10 off my next purchase at Albertsons.  The ad didn’t lie!  What an amazingly successful trip.  What the ad did not warn me about was the cashier that was not rude, but unimpressed with having to ring up that many cans at 8 in the morning, and the unhappy look of the people behind me in line.  I’m not sure if this was because I had practically cleaned out the Hunts Spaghetti sauce, did clean out the Hunts Ketchup, or if it was because they were guys and only had one item each but there was only one check out stand open so they had to wait for my purchase.  I am positive it had nothing to do with my cartwheels and back flips I was practically doing in line once the $10 off my next purchase coupon printed out.  I think it has finally sunk in that coupons…..are free money.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Birthday Attack

I recently had a birthday.  I have one every year but was not fully looking forward to this one with it being my 26th and starting my decline and slow approach to thirty!!  Not wanting to be alone on the day of my birthday I decided to have a few friends over for dinner.  As my birthday approached I decided to make some good soup that I had discovered at World Market (Cheese Tortilla if you ever get a chance to try it!) and keep it nice and relaxing to put together.  Deciding to be proactive with putting together the plans I waited until the day before my birthday to actually go to World Market to pick up the soup mix.  They were sold out! 

I ended up going home and slightly pouting that they were out of soup and now I had to figure out what to make. My room mate told me “don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it” which in Andrea code whenever I am told that means “Code Red, Worry And Have Five Back Up Plans”.

On my birthday I got home from work to the house cleaned, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and a pink chocolate cake.  I was then told that we were going to go for coffee.  Of course I couldn’t resist, I love coffee!! My concern though was that people were coming in two hours and as nice as the apartment looked I could tell dinner was not underway.  My bubbly room mate did not seem concerned about this at all as she whisked me out the door for coffee and we went off to coffee while Disney love songs blasted on the radio. And by blasted I mean we sang along with them the entire 15 minute trip to coffee.

I enjoyed our coffee date immensely but was highly aware that it was 6:45 and we had people showing up around 7 and she was not so concerned about dinner being made.  We pulled into our apartment around 7.  I had secretly hoped she had ordered pizza or something but was preparing myself to start rushing around helping her with whatever dinner she had decided to make, or making a quick batch of noodles…..with cheese or something.

I finally made it up the three flights of stairs to my apartment and when I opened the door was met with ten or so faces one foot away from my face crowded into my doorway; all blowing loud happy new years horns at my face and yelling “SURPRISE”. This in turn evoked a high pitched banshee yelp of surprise from me that could not even be heard over the horns; all while reeling backwards in fear and swatting at the air trying to fend off the obvious ninja attack I was in the middle of.  Within the two hour coffee trip the apartment had been adorned with balloons and orange streamers.  There were enchiladas, pop, red velvet cake, chocolate cake, and coffee!  A perfect evening. My friends are 1.) really lucky I realized it was them before figuring out where my nun chucks were, and 2.) the best ever!!