Friday, May 20, 2011

Home Brewed Laundry Soap

A few months ago I found a recipe online to make your own laundry soap.  At first I was skeptical about it working but wanted to try it.  The best part is that it is costing me less than $1.00 to make 2 gallons worth of laundry soap, and it lasted me four months.  Great savings compared to buying it in stores!!!  It works well so far...I'm wondering if it doesn't keep my clothes as bright or my white clothes super white...but it's cheap and makes me feel a little domestic.

I decided to share the recipe in case anyone wants to venture trying it.  I'm not sure how it works for people with sensitive skin (there's my disclaimer!).  Have fun!!!


The Soap:  One whole bar of Ivory Soap. 

Washing Soda: Not the same thing as baking soda!! Washing soda is a white powder and its purpose is to help remove dirt and orders. I found an Arm & Hammer Washing Soda in the laundry section at Fred Meyer.  I couldn't find it anywhere else but I've heard it is relatively easy to find.

Borax: Also a white powder in the laundry section.  It’s purpose is as a laundry whitener and deodorizer. The brand I found is 20 Mule Team.  

1.    Grate the soap and put it in a sauce pan.  Add 6 cups water and heat it up until the soap melts.

2.     Add the washing soda and the borax and stir until it is dissolved.  Remove from heat.

3.    Pour 4 cups hot water into a 2 gallon bucket. 

4.    Add the soap mixture and stir.

5.    Add 1 gallon plus 6 cups of water and stir.

6.   Let the soap sit for 24 hours and it will gel.  Use about 1/2 cup per load of laundry.

The finished soap is not a solid gel and looks more watery, like egg noodle soup.....

It is a low sudsing soap so if there are no suds in the washing machine that is ok!!  It is the ingredients that cleans the clothes not the suds...I hope.

And also....if you want your soap to have some sort of scent you can add 1/2 to 1 oz of essential oil or fragrance oil of your choice!! I have not tried this part yet, but it is supposed to work.

So there you have, home made laundry cleans and you can choose your scent. Stay clean!

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