Sunday, October 17, 2010

Flying Meetball Sauce

A good friend of mine became an elder at my church this last week.  It was really exciting to see him take this step in life.  So exciting that I made appetizer meatballs for our potluck after church today.  They were all eaten up so I didn't have to bring any home, which was nice.  Unfortunately I didn't clean out my crock pot before throwing it on the floor of the passenger side of the car.  This normally would not be a big deal, except I happened to pass a really good looking guy out for a walk on my way home.  Of course this involved a turning of the head as I passed by and eventually a slamming on of the brakes when I looked back at the road.  Suddenly slamming on the brakes resulted in a somersaulting crock pot filled with BBQ/Ketchup sauce from the meatballs which is now all over my the floor of my front seat in my car.  I was able to wipe it up...but I have a feeling my car is going to smell of meatballs for quite a while now.

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