Friday, April 8, 2011

Last April Fools Day Ever

Every now and then I meet my mom for lunch on my hour break.  I love these days, we discuss life, my church, her church, work....etc. My mom proceeds to ask me every time if I have met anyone.  I meet people, but she specifically means a man. I asked if she really thought I would not mention it to her if I had met a guy and she said yes!!  I promised her I don’t live a secret life and am not hiding men that are in my life from her and that I REALLY just know married people or dating couples.  Then to test the waters I asked her what she would think if I dated a 40 year old?  And then she started worrying that I had met a 40 year old man. My poor mother…..I definitely get my teasing from my dad. In all reality, my mom will know right away if I begin dating a guy, she’s a very important part of my life.

So having not really participated in April Fools Day for a while now; I decided to catch up and send out a text to some close friends and family that just nicely stated “I have a date tomorrow night!!!!”  I got a fun variety of responses and thought some of them were worth sharing:

“Who what where when why? We need to meet this guy first.  If he passes the exam you can proceed with the date”  (apparently Josh has a dating application for me that guys have to pass??)
“What!?!! With who!?”,
“Really?? Is this where I offend you by asking if that’s April Fools?  If not, yay!”
“WOOHOO. Who’s the lucky man?”
“At the risk of sounding like a HUGE jerk…april fools?  If not…DETAILS!!”
“Speechless J”  Oh Dad….
“Wooohooo go Annie go!!!”
“With a boy?”

My favorite response by far was my mom’s accumulation of texts:

“With who? How exciting, is he 40?" "Where did you meet? I hope you have fun." "Do you know where you are going? So What’s he like? Does he work? What’s the bio on him?”

I carried it on longer with her than anyone else and had to profusely apologize later.  She asked where he worked so I just threw out that he was a youth pastor in the area (sounded good!), and then asked what her thoughts were on a specific denomination.  Unfortunately the denomination I mentioned only has one church in the area… I received a text asking what his name was and saying that if he was the one on the website then he was cute!.... "Sure, that's him".... OOPS!  I then received a text from my dad saying that my mom had called twice to ask about this denomination’s theology, and I received a text from my older sister saying that my mom had called her and showed her the website with his picture. Backfired a little bit.

Honestly, I love my mom, and if a guy came into my life that I was interested in and dating she would be one of the first people to know.  She would also probably have to sit through a few phone conversations of me giving her his “bio” before anything ever really developed, because I would WANT to tell her about him.  I know she only asks because she loves me and is interested in my life.

I don’t think I’ll participate in April Fools Day anymore.....this one will probably have been my last...and now if I did have a real date I don't think she'd believe me.  :)

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