Friday, April 15, 2011

Road Trips and Toe Lint

This week I made a road trip to Calgary, Alberta in Canada with my room mate to see some really close friends. It was about a 13 hour drive!  We headed out of our apartment by 5:30 with a car loaded of bags, presents and….cookies, pepperoni, water, coke, m&m’s, gushers, and puppy chow (an amazing mixture of peanut butter, chex mix, and powdered sugar).  We went through a coffee drive through to start the day out right and pulled out of town by 6:00.  We then proceeded to blast some music to sing along with, and had some good conversations for the first 5 hours of the drive.  After 5 hours our voices were a little soar for some reason.

So we listened to a few hours of a book on tape. I think my favorite part of the drive was once we crossed into Canada.  The road was curvy and had a beautiful river that was covered in ice along it with mountains everywhere.  And then we got further into the Rocky Mountains.  I don’t think I’ve seen anything quite as beautiful.  I had thought we would just drive through it like we would any mountain pass I’ve been through, but they just kept going and going, and getting prettier. Hopefully it will be nice on the way back and we can get out for a few minutes for a short hike and lunch or something.  On the way up we were so excited to see the kids that we basically only stopped twice for gas (thank you for good gas mileage!) and once for a brief fast food lunch.

After the Rocky Mountains the landscape basically turned into prairie lands, but with some hills mixed in. There was also snow in the fields, which gorgeous next to the tan prairie lands.

When we pulled into Calgary it was really easy to find our friend’s house, except every street in the area was named the same thing but different:  Prestwick Ave, Prestwick Acres, Prestwick Grove, Prestwick Lane, Prestwick Street, Prestwick Village….we stopped looking for the house by street names and went by house numbers while driving around in circles.

We arrived at the house in time to see the boys before they had to go to bed.  Judah was a little shy at first, but instantly warmed up with Katie chasing him around the apartment for tickles and hugs.  He was so excited to show us his new puppy and chattered a mile a minute….I’m sure he at least knew what he was saying.

We stayed up talking late into the night.  It was so good to make it into town and see them again.

In the morning when I came downstairs Judah came running up with outstretched arms to  be picked up.  I loved it….I like to think it was his way of saying good morning instead of really just wanting to be picked up so he could see Karen cooking the eggs in the kitchen.  We then proceeded to the living room where he cuddled in my lap and watched his favorite cartoon.  He then decided to pick lint out of his toes and hand it to me….how could you turn down a present like that?  We then sat down to a yummy breakfast of eggs and homemade cinnamon bread.  Karen is an amazing cook.

So I will try to keep everyone updated with the trip or write about it when I get back.  For now it’s off to see a little bit of the city and a coffee shop with them.  Looking forward to a week of toe lint gifts and relaxing times with friends!

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